Dear Customer

in a Newly Refurbished AK 102” Mobile Trailer
- GE CX-K4 LCC Low Cryogen Consumption Magnet
- HD23.0_1406a Operating Software
- Sixteen Channel System
COILS: 16 Channel HNS(Head/Neck/Spine) 8 Channel Foot/Ankle 8 Channel Wrist Array 8 Channel HD Body, GP Flex Array 8 Channel Shoulder Array 8 Channel Breast Quad Knee/Foot, Split Head
SOFTWARE OPTIONS: ARC, Asset, Blood Flow and Volume Measurement, Bloodsupp, BRAVO, BREAST2, Cine, COSMIC, Cube T2, 3D Dual Echo, Delayed Enhancement, DW EPI, E3DTOF, Echo Planar Imaging, Fastcine, Fast Gradient Echo, Fiesta 2D, 2D Fat Sat Fiesta, Fiesta 3D, 3D Fat Sat Fiesta, Fiesta-C, FLAIR3D, FLAIR EPI, 3DFRFSE, Fast Spin Echo and FLAIR, FSE_XL, Fluoro-triggered MRA, Time of Flight, Modality Worklist, IDEAL, iDrive, iDRIVE Pro, Lava, Lava- XV, 2D MERGE, 3D MERGE, Multi-Phase (variable delays), Phase Contrast Vascular Imaging, Fgret, DW Propeller, T2 Propeller, QuickSTEP, iDrive Pro Plus, Smart Prep, Special, SSFSE, SSFSE MRCP, Three Plane Localizer, TRICKS, IP Protection, 16 Channel System
For Sale or Lease
In Development:
SIEMENS 1.5T Aera 18 MRI in a Medicoach Trailer
SIEMENS 1.5T Espree 18 MRI in a Medicoach Trailer
SIEMENS 1.5T Avanto 18 MRI in a Medicoach Trailer
Jeff Weiss
Atlantis Worldwide, LLC
60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4600
New York, NY 10165
Direct: 212 366-9100 Ext: 170
Mobile: 917-640-1763
For over 30 years Atlantis continues to provide quality refurbished imaging systems. Atlantis also owns a small fleet of mobile MRI and CT systems.