Refurbished Radiology Equipment & Medical Imaging Blog

Which Philips MRI is Right For You? Achieva vs. Intera Achieva

Written by Vikki Harmonay | Tue, Jun 5, 2018 @ 16:06 PM

So you’re in the market for a new MRI, but you don’t really want to buy new. Smart move. Because you can usually get the high quality imaging you need for your clinic, practice or hospital without having to buy something brand new at the factory. However, because there are so many refurbished and used MRIs out there, sometimes it’s hard to decide which model is the right one for you. Today we’ll look at the difference between the Philips Achieva and the Philips Intera Achieva.

A Philips Intera Achieva is actually a Philips Intera model that has been upgraded. They aren’t quite identical, but they share more in common than they differ, even though they look different.

The Philips Intera Achievas are ones usually manufactured between 2000-2005, while the true Achievas were manufactured between 2005-2009. When the upgrade was made to Achieva, the coils and electronics changed. About the only major difference is the age of the magnets, but the magnets are the same in the Intera, Intera Achieva and Achieva. Each has the IGC F2000 magnet, which doesn’t wear out. In fact, magnets dating back to the late 90’s are still sold on the secondary market.


The software you’ll find for Intera Achieva and Achieva systems tend to be versions 2.6 or 3.2, but some 5.2s are showing up on the secondary market. There are even some 1.8s on the market, but they can’t be upgraded to 16 or 32- channel. In the 2.6 version, Philips’ Freewave digital RF feature was introduced, so if you want your 1.6 unit to have a bigger range of upgradability, you’ll need extra hardware like a new host computer and reconstructor. Yes, it can be done but it will cost you.

Image Quality

Whether you choose a Philips Achieva or a Philips Intera Achieva you’ll get the same identical image quality. There’s truly no visible difference.

Gradients and RF 

Gradient packages exist independently from the model you choose. There are lots of gradient options, including newer cabinet styles like Copley 271 and 281 that deliver more power than Copley 274. You can have an Achieva that’s lower powered or an Intera Achieva with high power! Because there are so many gradient modules available, if things break down, you’ll be able to get one without huge costs. Intera Achieva and Achieva systems are both capable of 8, 16 and 32-channel imaging with RF cabinets, but those with 1.8 sofware are limited to systems with 8 channels unless you upgrade them.

Magnet Covers

While the magnets are the same, a set of magnet covers aren’t created equally. You’ll pay $30,000 more for newer-style magnet covers. Yup, $30,000 or more. 

Are you trying to decide between refurbished medical imaging equipment?  At Atlantis Worldwide, we’re always here to help with your refurbished MRI needs.  To find out more, contact one of our experts today.

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Meet the author: Vikki Harmonay