Refurbished Radiology Equipment & Medical Imaging Blog

Defining the Safe Use of CT -Radiation Safety Virtual Symposium

Written by Vikki Harmonay | Tue, May 7, 2013 @ 13:05 PM

Visit Atlantis Worldwide at the Virtual Symposium on Radiation Safety in Computed Tomography.  We will have a virtual exhibit booth in the Software Section on SafeCT, a universal iterative image reconstruction solution that substantially enhances the Signal-to-Noise(SNR) of CT images acquired over a wide range of exposure parameters on CT scanners of all vendors..

The Symposium is hosted by the UCSF Department of Radiology and University of California Office of the President,  scheduled for May 8-10, 2013.       
The meeting is targeted to radiologists, physicists and technologists who are concerned about lowering the doses they use in daily practice and why this is important from a patient safety perspective.  The meeting is also targeted to physicians who order CT imaging, those interested and responsible for quality improvement activities focused on medical imaging, nurses, hospital administrators, those tasked with meeting changing regulations in this area, and students across all aspects of health care research and public health.
There will be an exciting list of speakers including a US Congressman (Representative William Cassidy); a Pulitzer prize winning reporter (Walt Bogdanich); the Director of AHRQ (Carolyn Clancy); leaders  who are developing guidelines and strategies for improving the utilization of imaging (Catherine Lucy, Nathan Kuppermann, Joshua Broder, and Michael Lauer) and leaders in the National Patient Safety movement and why its important to engage patients in shared decision making (Ken Kizer, Charles Dehnam, Leif Solberg). The meeting also has lectures from a large number of oversight organizations, regulators, and payers, about medical imaging and ways to improve its quality. The meeting highlights what is going on in a large number of hospitals and organizations around the issue of improving the safety of medical imaging (The Cleveland Clinic, The University of California, and The VA System among many others). And of course the meeting has many national and international leaders in radiology and medical physicists (James Brink, Donald Frush, Marilyn Goske, Leonard Berlin, Anthony Seibert, Michael McNitt-Gray, and John Boone)
The meeting is inexpensive, and provides over 34 hours of approved CME credit for physicians, CE credits for technologists and we are awaiting approval from CAMPEP for educational credits for physicists. The meeting also provides an opportunity to participate in a quality improvement project where facilities can see how their doses using CT compare with other facilities.

There is a full list of classes and lectures on the Virtual Symposium listed on main site.  See below for the links.


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Meet the author: Vikki Harmonay