Refurbished Radiology Equipment & Medical Imaging Blog

Gemstone Spectral Imaging 101

Written by Vikki Harmonay | Wed, Jun 5, 2019 @ 16:06 PM

Whenever a great medical imaging technology rolls around, everyone starts talking about it. After all, new technology is exciting, especially when it improves patient experience, ease of use or improved imaging. The latest buzz is all about Gemstone Spectral Imaging (GSI) from GE. The experts at Atlantis Worldwide put together these guidelines so you can better understand what it can do, what it can’t do, how it works and what the benefits are.

The Basics

Gemstone Spectral Imaging uses two separate energy sets to examine the different attenuation properties of matter. In other words, it’s a CT system with spectral imaging that will take data sets a two levels of X-ray power in a single scan. Because these two data sets can be compared within the image reconstruction software, it delivers an additional level of image detail.

GSI has three components: hardware, software and technique.

The hardware is the Gemstone detector. The name was selected by GE because it has “jewel-like material properties.” The components synthetically replicate the structure of garnet crystals. Think of it as an evolution of the transparent ceramic detector. The Gemstone scintillator escalates response to X-ray excitation at an impressive rate of 50-100 times faster than any other detector! This higher speed improves temporal and spatial resolution. It also reduces electronic noise.

When it comes to technique, the GSI uses dual energy CT (DECT) as its main acquisition technique. During a single rotation, power is switched between two different energy levels multiple times. This makes it easy to characterize tissue and tease out metal artifacts—much improved from previous image analysis. It also makes it easier to differentiate between features based on material density and chemical composition. You can also dial the contrast iodine up and down to improve images of blood vessels. You also get more accurate perfusion calculations. This technology delivers quicker, more comfortable scans for patients when compared to MRI, PET and SPECT procedures.

GSI software uses projection-based reconstruction to process the data. “Based on known attenuation curves, the process mathematically transforms low and high kVp attenuation measurements into effective density basis-pair images.” GSI images deliver much more detail that standard CT.

GE Revolutions GSI, Revolution HD CT and Discovery CT750 HD4

These high-end systems from GE have Gemstone detectors and Gemstone Spectral Imaging features. It’s an exciting development in medical imaging and at Atlantis Worldwide, we’re excited about the technology behind them. However, it will be some time before these systems enter the secondary market. If you are in need of medical imaging devices for your hospital, practice clinic or healthcare facility, talk to the experts at Atlantis Worldwide. In many situations, refurbished medical imaging equipment can deliver the performance you need, the warranties you want and a price with significant savings.  Contact Us Today!

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Meet the author: Vikki Harmonay