Sensible Solutions for Refurbished Radiology

Will Artificial Intelligence Change Medical Imaging?

Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Wed, Jun 12, 2019 @ 11:06 AM

Thanks to medical imaging equipment like MRI machines, CT Scanners and X-ray machines, doctors can view organs, bones and AI Medical Imagingtissues in the human body. However, with all of these examinations and procedures comes a rapid accumulation of data and the task of reviewing, documenting, analyzing and evaluating all of it. It’s daunting and challenging for physicians to review this data and determine what’s relevant to a patient’s care in a timely manner. Overlook one tiny but important piece of data and it can negatively impact patient care.

That’s where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes in. While it will never take the place of human diagnosticians, it can support and assist them. AI can aggregate patient data, extrapolate insights and provide analysis so physicians can make the right call regarding diagnosis, care and treatment. And AI can do it quickly.

For example, when a patient comes in with chest pains, a radiologist could request their CT scan. In mere minutes, AI could scan the data, patient health records, prescription history, prior surgeries, previous pathology and lab reports and prior imaging. The physician is then presented with all of the relevant findings in great detail in an easy-to-review format.

The Benefits of AI

AI is a machine-learning tool. It can rapidly scan, identify and analyze more patient characteristics than a physician can observe. By providing this kind of in-depth information in an organized understandable way, physicians can provide more personalized treatment. In addition, researchers can discover new and improved ways of treating disease.

At Atlantis Worldwide, we’re excited to learn about all of the new technology that will help medical professionals help their patients live, thrive and heal. It will be interesting to see the impact AI will have on the medical imaging field.

If your practice, hospital, clinic or healthcare facility is in need of medical imaging equipment, be sure to talk to an expert at Atlantis Worldwide. We can find the ideal equipment to fit your needs. Oftentimes a refurbished or used device can provide what you need, for much less than the cost of brand new equipment. Best of all, you get the same kind of robust warranty that you do when you buy new! Find out more today.

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