Refurbished Radiology Equipment & Medical Imaging Blog

15 Great Comparisons: Imaging Equipment: C-Arms, CT, Mammo…

Written by Vikki Harmonay | Tue, Aug 26, 2014 @ 15:08 PM

Don’t you love comparisons? Atlantis has compiled a list of best comparisons so that you can read all about the diagnostic imaging equipment you are interested in and see how they compare.  If you are interested in learning about other equipment comparisons that you do not see on this list please send us an email and we will get that information for you.  Just email us at

C-Arm Comparisons

1) OEC 9800 Vascular C-Arm vs. Siemens Avantic C-Arm

Everyone knows that Siemens Arcadis C-Arms and GE OEC C-Arms deliver high performance and quality and can be a terrific investment for your hospital, imaging center, practice or clinic.  We have created a short slide show of the differences and similarities between two popular models for your vascular needs.

2) GE OEC C-Arms Vs. Philips Pulsera C-Arms

The first question everyone wants to know is what is the price difference between...

3) 3 Siemens Arcadis C-Arms Compared: Varic, Avantic & Orbic

Siemens ARCADIS C-Arms deliver high performance and quality and can be a great investment for your practice, hospital or clinic.  However, with three different ARCADIS C-arms to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you?
Let’s explore the differences between the ARCADIS Orbic 3D, ARCADIS Varic and ARCADIS Avantic.

4) OEC Brivo Plus C-Arm, OEC 9800 or OEC 9900: Which is Right for You?

Many clinics, hospitals and practices are considering a more affordable solution: the OEC Brivo C-Arm.

5) They Look Identical, Right? OEC 9600 C-Arms & OEC 9800 C-Arms

The frame is nearly identical.  The size and weight are the same.  Even most experts can’t tell the difference at first.

6) OEC 9800 or OEC 9900: Which C-Arm is right for you? 

So you’re in the market for a C-Arm and are torn between the OEC 9800 and the OEC 9900.  Which do you choose? Well, that depends.

7) The Right C Arm… or the Left? Which is Best For You?

But if you keep these 3 key questions in mind, your answers will steer you in the right direction, and you’ll find the perfect device, whatever your radiology needs may be.

CT Comparisons

8) GE LightSpeed CT vs. BrightSpeed CT: The Main Differences

By far, the LightSpeed is still dominant over the BrightSpeed in systems installed.  Part of the reason for this is that it took some time for the BrightSpeed to catch on, particularly in the USA.

9) Siemens Emotion CT Scanners: The Slice Difference

As the market for refurbished CT’s continues to grow, our customers have been asking for information about a wide variety of CT systems for 6-slice, 16-slice and 64-slice CTs. While Atlantis Worldwide can provide you with virtually any refurbished CT system, today, we’re going to focus on the Siemens EMOTION.

10) CT Scanner: Air Cooled vs. Water Cooled

Cooling is a major requirement when it comes to modern multi slice CT systems that are designed to accommodate up to 100kW of tube power and very high patient load.

Mammography Comparisons

11) The Difference Between Digital Mammography and Tomosynthesis

When it comes to breast health, everyone understands the importance of mammograms.  But as technology changes, it’s also important to understand the various technologies available.

12) Analog or Digital Mammography Equipment: Which is right for you?

It’s October and pink is everywhere during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  It puts a spotlight on breast cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment.  It also makes it a perfect time to talk about the pros and cons of Digital Mammography versus Analog Mammography with Computed Radiographic (CR) systems.

13) Choosing A Digital Mammography System: GE vs. Hologic

When we get requests for digital mammography systems at Atlantis Worldwide, our customers generally ask for Hologic (Selenia or Selenia Dimensions) or GE (Senographe 2000D, Senographe DS or Essential).  We find that many of our customers have the same questions, goals and concerns, so we’ve created this list of pros and cons that can help YOU better understand your options and needs.

Other Comparisons

14) 8 Channel MRI vs. 4 Channel MRI—What is the Difference?

When we talk to people who are looking for an MRI for their hospital, clinic or practice, they always want more information about MRI coils—what they actually do, what types are available and which ones are right for the job.

15) Expand Imaging Services into a Mobile or Modular Environment?

We’ve talked to lots of our clients lately about whether to expand digital imaging services into a mobile or modular environment. Sometimes expanded facilities are needed during construction on a current facility or when existing equipment is being replaced.

If you need more information please contact Alex Silbergleit at 212-366-9100 or email


About the Author: Vikki Harmonay