Refurbished Radiology Equipment & Medical Imaging Blog

Is a Mobile MRI Right for You?

Written by Vikki Harmonay | Tue, Jun 7, 2016 @ 16:06 PM

Are you getting ready to renovate or upgrade your digital imaging services, but still need to provide services in the interim?  Or maybe you need to provide new digital imaging services but have run out of space in your current facility?  Perhaps you’d like to expand your digital imaging services but you just don’t have ready capital to do so.  Here’s the good news: mobile or modular MRIs could be the perfect solution for you!

Working in a construction zone?

If only equipment never needed updating or replacement, right?  But sooner or later, all medical imaging technology needs upgrading, repairs or replacement.  It’s expensive, time consuming and usually requires extensive facilities renovation. A Mobile MRI can help you maintain your sanity, and your cash flow, while renovations are underway.

Run out of room?

At some point in time, most clinics, hospitals and healthcare facilities run out of space to put the latest, greatest technology.  But that doesn’t mean you have to do without the latest and greatest.  Now you can rent a Mobile MRI and offer your patients the imaging they need, without having to move to a new building. 

Run out of cash?

Even if you’ve got room at your clinic or facility, sometimes you just don’t have the cash to buy the latest digital imaging equipment.  Again, renting a Mobile MRI can be the answer, until you can arrange for the capital you need. 

What is a Mobile MRI?

Let’s start with the basics.  A mobile environment for a CT or MRI has a complete housing for the system.  This includes housing the equipment itself, as well as providing space for a patient area and technologist workspace.  Most of the time, this housing is a highly specialized 48-foot long trailer that is sturdy enough to support the weight of the system it carries. It has ties and can be moved from place to place.  Oftentimes, a secure pad for siting is used once it is located at its destination.  There are many engineering demands and requirements, so again, it’s important to do your research for you rent a Mobile MRI or CT.

Before you rent a Mobile MRI

While a Mobile MRI can be a perfect solution, there are a few things to consider before you take the plunge.

  1. Take the time to examine what you really need. Look at your current patient volumes.  Are you seeing more demand for digital imaging?  Is your surrounding community growing?  It’s important to make intelligent predictions about your needs before you rush into renting a Mobile MRI.
  2. Make sure you understand the clinical and referral requirements for the Mobile MRI.
  3. Do a cost comparison between installing a new MRI in your building versus renting a Mobile MRI.
  4. Do your homework. How many other facilities in your area offer the MRI services you want to add?  You want to make sure there is a demand for additional MRI services before you take the leap.
  5. Is your current staff familiar with the MRI you want? It’s easier if your staff doesn’t have to go through a significant learning curve in order to operate the equipment.
  6. Talk to an industry expert. Companies like Atlantis Worldwide are used to working with clinics, hospitals and facilities of all sizes and helping them determine what the best course of action is. 

As you consider having a mobile trailer on your property, you’ll also have to determine if your site offers adequate patient access, water, power and even access for on-site servicing if needed.  You also need to make sure the surrounding environmental elements are conducive to a Mobile MRI.  Is there moving traffic nearby? Power cables?  Again, talking to an expert can help you determine if your site is appropriate, and the team at Atlantis Worldwide is here to help!

Contact Jeff Weiss at 212-366-9100 or for more information on mobile services.

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About the author: Vikki Harmonay