It’s no secret that PET and CT imaging systems can take up a lot of real estate. And that’s usually not a problem for large, high volume medical practices or hospitals. But what if you have a smaller practice or lower-volume rural hospital? Square footage can be limited, but the need will still exist for medical imaging. That’s where a mobile imaging service could be an option. Here are the three areas to consider when deciding between in-house equipment and the use of a mobile service.
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Is Mobile CT a Good Solution for Smaller Hospitals Or Clinics?
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Wed, Jun 14, 2017 @ 12:06 PM
Topics: Imaging Equipment Solutions, CT Scanner, Mobile MRI
Are you getting ready to renovate or upgrade your digital imaging services, but still need to provide services in the interim? Or maybe you need to provide new digital imaging services but have run out of space in your current facility? Perhaps you’d like to expand your digital imaging services but you just don’t have ready capital to do so. Here’s the good news: mobile or modular MRIs could be the perfect solution for you!
Read MoreTopics: Imaging Equipment Solutions, MRI, Mobile MRI
Expand Imaging Services into a Mobile or Modular Environment ?
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Tue, Jul 15, 2014 @ 12:07 PM
We’ve talked to lots of our clients lately about whether to expand digital imaging services into a mobile or modular environment. Sometimes expanded facilities are needed during construction on a current facility or when existing equipment is being replaced. Other clinics, practices or hospitals need to offer or expand their imaging services, but lack the capital or available space to do so within the walls of the facility. In all of these situations, a mobile or modular environment can be a great solution. (And even better while utilizing a used or refurbished MRI or CT Scan, but we’ll get to that later.)
Topics: Medical Imaging Comparisons, Imaging Equipment Solutions, CT Scanner, MRI, Mobile MRI