Sensible Solutions for Refurbished Radiology

Your Strategy For Getting Rid Of Unwanted Imaging Equipment

Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Wed, Sep 11, 2024 @ 12:09 PM

As with all medical imaging facilities, there comes a time to get rid of old or outdated medical imaging equipment and purchase new.RID of unwanted equip However, most operations wait until the end of a device’s life to start planning for its sale or removal. This kind of decision should actually be made when you purchase the piece of equipment to begin with!

Many hospitals have some kind of process; the problem is they are poorly defined and even more poorly managed. Typically, department managers make a determination when to replace an item, put it in the budget. If they are successful and their request is approved, they then decide what to do with the old equipment. 

While some department managers do know enough to try to sell the outdated equipment, they don’t have the time or contacts to get the best value for the facility. However, there are programs and companies that will remove the equipment from your facility and establish fair market value for your system.

If you decide to dispose of your equipment, at least formalize the process, put someone in charge of it and run all equipment through it. A formal disposition process is a revenue stream for the hospital. It also helps in the tracking of your equipment and allows you to know what you actually have—which can help with inventory, taxes and planning.

The best way to get the most for your equipment is to approach it strategically: When will you replace or remove a piece of equipment? How will the piece of equipment be removed from service? Where will the item go?

To establish the “when” you should factor in how much the piece of equipment is currently being used, whether there’s a better option for the program or treatment it’s being used for whether the OEM is still providing support for the device.

The “how” is all about what you’re going to do with the piece of equipment: will you deploy, sell, donate or scrap it? Questions that need to be answered include, is it functional? Can I sell, redeploy or donate the equipment? You have to remember that some items may still be able to be used, but the cost of shipping is too high. In a situation like that, it’s best to try to donate it to a local charity. However, remember that even if your item is non-functional, parts could be sold for repairs to other devices—just without a warranty.

Finally, the “where.” Where are you going to sell the equipment? Can you use it as a trade-in? Can you work with a third-party to sell your device on commission? This is where the strategic planning comes in to play: when you first purchase your medical imaging system, you need to either own the software or have the right to transfer ownership so you can sell it in the future. It’s not as sellable without the software.

Talk To An Expert

There are so many different things to consider, from the moment you start your search for buying equipment to when you’re ready to get rid of it. Talk to the experts at Atlantis Worldwide. We’ve been helping healthcare facilities with their imaging needs for more than 31 years and can certainly help you.

For more information, contact Atlantis Worldwide today!

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About the author: Vikki Harmonay

Extend the Life of Your Medical Imaging Equipment


Topics: Selling Image Equipment, Used Medical Imaging Equipment