Sensible Solutions for Refurbished Radiology
Topics: Low-dose solution, Medical Imaging News, Imaging Equipment Solutions
The Big Question: Are You Ready For CT Dose Tracking?
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Thu, Jan 2, 2014 @ 09:01 AM
Radiology departments are under pressure to track radiation dose from CT, and new rules are being proposed on both state and federal levels. A lot of our friends and customers were asking us questions about this at the recent RSNA convention. We decided to share some information, insights and answers through our new eBook, “Radiation Dose: Track, Monitor & Lower."
Topics: iterative image reconstruction, Low-dose solution, Imaging Equipment Solutions
Sensible Solutions for Refurbished Radiology: The Best of 2013
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Tue, Dec 24, 2013 @ 09:12 AM
10 Top Favorites:
Topics: Selling Image Equipment, Buying Imaging Equipment, Imaging Equipment Solutions
Extend The Life of Your Medical Imagining Equipment or Replace It?
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Tue, Dec 10, 2013 @ 09:12 AM
Determining whether your practice, hospital or medical facility should keep their equipment or purchase new/used medical imaging equipment can be complicated-unless-you know what questions to ask, steps to take and numbers to crunch. But before you throw your hands into the air and say, “I’ll think about that tomorrow,” there’s good news! Atlantis Worldwide has put together an eBook that will guide you step by step to the right decision. It’s called, “Extend The Life of Your Medical Imagining Equipment or Replace It?” and it’s yours, free of charge.
As healthcare continues to change, healthcare providers are being tasked with reducing costs while increasing the quality of patient services. That’s why buying refurbished medical imaging equipment is becoming more popular, and more practical. This handy eBook provides information about:
Topics: Selling Image Equipment, Buying Imaging Equipment, Imaging Equipment Solutions
There are so many things to consider before you buy an MRI. Which one will fit the needs of your client base? Will you get the referrals you need? Will insurance payment standards make it worthwhile? Do you have the right facility to house a new MRI? Do you have to build one? And should you buy a new or refurbished MRI?
Topics: Buying Imaging Equipment, Imaging Equipment Solutions, MRI
Plan Ahead For Medical Imaging Equipment Purchases
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Thu, Oct 17, 2013 @ 09:10 AM
So you think you’re ready to buy medical imaging equipment. And maybe you are. But the reality is, many physicians, practitioners, clinic managers and medical administrators may THINK they’re ready to buy, but oftentimes, they haven’t even done the basic homework that will help them determine if they’re actually ready to buy. As you well know, medical imaging equipment is far from inexpensive, so let’s talk about the easiest way to determine 1) If you really need the equipment and 2) if you can really afford it.
Topics: Medical Imaging Equipment Costs, Buying Imaging Equipment, Imaging Equipment Solutions
The income potential that an MRI offers can be seductive. But before you place an order for a new or refurbished MRI system, there are quite a few things to consider. Here’s a handy checklist that can guide you through what can be a complicated process.
Topics: Buying Imaging Equipment, Imaging Equipment Solutions, MRI
Top 4 Considerations Before Installing an MRI
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Fri, Oct 4, 2013 @ 09:10 AM
“I want a quote for an MRI. I know I need a 24 ft. X 30 ft. space for one, and I’ve got it. When can you deliver?”
Topics: Buying Imaging Equipment, Imaging Equipment Solutions, MRI
Are you prepared for mandatory CT dose tracking?
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Wed, Sep 25, 2013 @ 16:09 PM
A team of radiologists at Stony Brook University in New York wanted to find the most simple and cost-effective way to monitor CT dose given what technology is available today. In doing so, they ended up developing a web-based service that does everything other solutions on the market do, just in a simpler fashion. They wrote about what they found, and what they have developed, in the September issue of the Journal of the American College of Radiology.
Topics: Low-dose solution, Medical Imaging News, Imaging Equipment Solutions
Yes. times are tough. Reimbursement is down and radiology equipment is expensive. There’s no time like the present to begin strategic planning to deal with this new reality.
Topics: Buying Imaging Equipment, Used Medical Imaging Equipment, Imaging Equipment Solutions