So it’s time to upgrade your medical imaging equipment. Good for you! New or refurbished medical imaging equipment can help improve your operations, expand your business and increase profitability. Plus, you’ll be able to meet and even exceed the expectations of your patients and physicians, and there’s nothing better than satisfied customers!
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8 Tips For Upgrading Your MRI, CT and PET/CT Equipment
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Wed, Mar 7, 2018 @ 12:03 PM
Topics: Imaging Equipment Solutions, MRI, More Than Just Imaging Solutions
MRI Comparison – Siemens Espree vs Siemens Avanto MRI
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Wed, Jan 17, 2018 @ 12:01 PM
These two 1.5T MRI models have a lot in common which can make a decision a bit more complicated. So how do you choose what option will fit your needs?
Read MoreTopics: MRI
As an MRI provider, you have to stay on top of a lot of moving parts—literally and figuratively. At Atlantis Worldwide, we understand and thought we’d provide a global overview of an MRI cold head. As you know, a cold head re-condenses the helium gas within the MRI cooling system to liquid, to prevent it from burning off entirely.
Read MoreTopics: Imaging Equipment Solutions, MRI
New AIR Coil Technology Improves Patient MRI Experience
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Wed, Dec 6, 2017 @ 12:12 PM
There’s a lot of excitement in the medical imaging world, thanks to new AIR Coil technology. Why? It radically improves the patient experience, as well as provides better quality images.
Read MoreTopics: Medical Imaging News, MRI
Siemens New 7T MRI Receives Premarket Clearance
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Tue, Nov 14, 2017 @ 12:11 PM
Technology is sure moving at the speed of WOW, these days. Every time you read the news, there’s a new device, technology or OS that will make life easier, better and faster than before. The medical imaging arena is no different, from 3D modeling and 4D imaging to new non-invasive technology. Science fiction is indeed coming to life right before our eyes!
Read MoreTopics: Medical Imaging News, MRI
Open MRI: GE Ovation Compared to Hitachi Airis Elite MRI
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Tue, Nov 7, 2017 @ 15:11 PM
The widespread popularity of Open MRIs is based on patient comfort. Patients generally prefer comfort and given a choice would choose an Open MRI. However, just because of basic physics, a closed bore MRI will always generate higher quality images. Based on client population and the procedures performed, many clients still purchase Open MRIs in order to attract patients that might be claustrophobic.
Read MoreTopics: Medical Imaging Comparisons, MRI
In recent years, some of the advances in MRI technology have been on the software side. These advancement enable faster contrast scans, simplified cardiac imaging workflows, and even the ability to perform MR scans of the lungs.
Read MoreTopics: MRI, More Than Just Imaging Solutions
There’s one thing that never changes about Medical Imaging: it’s always changing. If you own a clinic, hospital, health care facility it can be challenging to keep up with all the new technology and advancements, much less what it means to your business.
Read MoreTopics: Used Medical Imaging Equipment, MRI
In the mission to cure and eliminate cancer, all progress is good progress. Currently, one of the most common treatments for cancer is radiotherapy. Radiotherapy uses high-energy radiation in the form of x-rays to destroy cancerous cells. It can be administered both internally and externally and is often combined with other types of treatments including chemotherapy and surgery.
Read MoreTopics: MRI, More Than Just Imaging Solutions
Go Worldwide: 5 Reasons to Shop Globally for Your MRI
Posted by Vikki Harmonay on Tue, Apr 25, 2017 @ 13:04 PM
Regardless of the physical geography of your office or facility, there are important reasons not to limit your MRI shopping to your immediate vicinity or even your country. To find the perfect MRI system you won’t necessarily have to travel to the other side of the world, but doing your due diligence and shopping globally could help you locate the perfect machine for your budget and your situation.
Read MoreTopics: Buying Imaging Equipment, MRI